BMI/BMR Calculator
Do you know your BMI? Increasingly, people know theirs, just as they know their cholesterol level.
If you don’t know your BMI, you can use a BMI calculator below. According to Harvard Health Publishing, BMI is a calculation of your size that takes into account your height and weight. A number of years ago, I remember using charts that asked you to find your height along the left side and then slide your finger to the right to see your “ideal weight” from choices listed under small, medium, or large “frame” sizes. These charts came from actuarial statistics, calculations that life insurance companies use to determine your likelihood of reaching an advanced age based on data from thousands of people. These charts were cumbersome to use, and it was never clear how one was to decide a person’s “frame size.”
BMI does something similar: it expresses the relationship between your height and weight as a single number that is not dependent on frame size. Although the origin of the BMI is over 200 years old, it is fairly new as a measure of health.
What Is BMR and why is it important?
Your resting metabolic rate, also known as your basal metabolic rate (BMR), is a measure of the number of calories your body needs to function at rest. It is an important number to know because it can help you understand your body’s energy needs and make more informed decisions about your diet and exercise habits. According to Healthline, your BMR can be used to help you gain, lose, or maintain your weight.